Sycamore Asset Management Group
The Executive Team at Sycamore Ventures have formed an Asset Manager named Sycamore Asset Management Group (“SAMG”). The creation of SAMG comes from a natural progression from the long standing and successful experience of managing Private and Public Equity Funds. As an Asset Manager, the SAMG team can hone in more closely on the exact investment goals of our clientele. It allows SAMG to “cherry pick” from its extensive deal flow to best match each client’s investment needs.
The SAMG Team is a community of investment & asset management professionals who share a common vision and a commitment for excellence. Our group continues to follow Sycamore’s long-standing disciplined investment approach which combined with our extensive knowledge base in cutting edge technologies being developed around the world gives us an upper hand to devise a successful global investment strategy for our clients. Our group is diverse, both geographically (with multiple locations in the United States and Asia) and experience (technologists, legal expertise, asset managers, private and public equity fund managers).
With this stellar team of professionals with such complementary skills, we are able to unlock the most complex questions in investment strategy, management, and corporate culture in today’s competitive environment.
To be the pre-eminent worldwide investment and asset management group by aiming to build shareholder wealth and remaining committed in our stakeholder dealings. Overall, Sycamore Asset Management Group positions itself to be an all-around partner for growth for its stakeholders
To capitalize on our strong global networks, management expertise and to provide a diverse set of global investment opportunities across a variety of asset classes and industries to achieve our vision in seizing duly researched and risk-mitigated opportunities which will ultimately deliver superior investment returns in the years ahead.
For more information on our Asset Management Division, please contact:
Dr. Stephen Sun Chiao at
Dr.Abbas al Qattan at
David Lichtenstein at